
HTTP Request

GET /tables/:tableReference/rows

Path parameters

Query parameters

This endpoint extends the general API structure.


Data access to the table is required. If a table's data is not public, your access token must have one of the following scopes:


  • data.edit

Learn more about authorization.

Request body

The request body must be empty.

Response body

To support memory-efficient streaming and data processing, the response is returned as Newline Delimited JSON, with each row represented as an array of values on a single line. The order of the values in each row is determined by the selectedVariables query parameter.

Please note the following regarding response data formats:

  • All numeric values will be encoded as strings in order to preserve precision.

  • Date variables are formatted as YYYY-MM-DD

  • DateTime variables are formatted at YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS[.DDDDDD]

  • Time variables are formatted as HH:MM:SS[.DDDDDD]

// e.g.: .../list?selectedVariables=id,date,decimal,text
["1","2012-01-01","4.2","Some text"]
["2","2012-02-02","3.14","Some other text"]
["3", ...]

Last updated