Getting started


If you'd like to use the client in another environment, you can install the redivis library from Github. Use devtools to install the latest version from the main branch:

devtools::install_github("redivis/redivis-r", ref="main")


If you are using this library within a Redivis notebook, you'll automatically be authenticated. You can ignore this section.

In order to authenticate with your Redivis account, you must first generate an API Token.

This API token must then be set as the REDIVIS_API_TOKEN environment variable before running your script. You can set the variable for your current session by running the following in your terminal:

# or, within R

Example usage


organization <- redivis::organization("demo")
dataset <- organization$dataset("cms_2014_medicare_data")
table <- dataset$table("home_health_agencies")

df <- table$to_tibble()

When referencing datasets, projects, and tables on Redivis, you should be familiar with the resource reference syntax.

Learn more


Last updated