
Query.to_geopandas_dataframe(max_results=None, *, geography_variable=None, progress=True, batch_preprocessor=None, dtype_backend="pyarrow", date_as_object=False, max_parallelization=os.cpu_count()) → geopandas.GeoDataFrame

Returns a representation of the query results as a GeoPandas dataframe. The query results must contain at least one geography variable, otherwise an error will be thrown.


max_results : int, default None The maximum number of rows to return. If not specified, all rows in the query results will be read.

geography_variable : str, default None The variable to use as the geopandas geometry. If set to None, the first geography variable in the query results will be used.

progress : bool, default True Whether to show a progress bar.

batch_preprocessor : function, default None Function used to preprocess the data, invoked for each batch of records as they are initially loaded. This can be helpful in reducing the size of the data before being loaded into a dataframe. The function accepts one argument, a pyarrow.RecordBatch, and must return a pyarrow.RecordBatch or None. If you prefer to work with the data solely in a streaming manner, see Query.to_arrow_batch_iterator()

dtype_backend : {"pyarrow","numpy","numpy_nullable"}, default "pyarrow" The data type backend to use for the dataframe. PyArrow is a new datatype available in pandas 2.0, which offers substantially improved performance and memory efficiency, alongside straightforward type mapping to the data in Redivis. Pyarrow dtypes will work with most existing code, and can be converted to numpy dtypes as needed. If you prefer to work with numpy dtypes, consult the pandas data type conversion documentation to learn how Redivis types are mapped to numpy.

date_as_object : bool, default False Whether variables of Redivis type date should be expressed as datetime.date objects, rather than the default np.datetime64[ns]. Only relevant for "numpy"|"numpy_nullable" dtype_backends. Learn more >

max_parallelization : int, default os.cpu_count() The maximum number of threads utilized when loading the query.



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