Querying data

Execute a query


# Execute any SQL query and read the results
query <- redivis$query("SELECT 1 + 1 AS two, 'foo' AS bar")
# 	two	bar
# 0	2	foo

# The query can reference any table on Redivis 
query <- redivis.query("
    SELECT * 
    FROM demo.iris_species.iris 
    WHERE SepalLengthCm > 5
# 	Id	SepalLengthCm	SepalWidthCm	PetalLengthCm	PetalWidthCm	Species
# 0	33	5.2	        4.1	        1.5	        0.1	        Iris-setosa
# ...

# Other methods to read data:
# query$to_arrow_batch_reader()
# query$to_arrow_dataset()
# query$to_arrow_dataset()
# query$to_data_frame()
# query$to_data_table()
# query$to_sf_tibble()

Execute a scoped query


# Perform a query on the Demo CMS Medicare data. 
# Table at https://redivis.com/datasets/349j-7phs91amz/tables

# To simplify table references, execute a query scoped to a dataset or workflow
dataset <- redivis$organization("Demo")$dataset("CMS 2014 Medicare Data")
query <- dataset.query("
    -- The tables inpatient_chargers, hospice_providers are assumed to be 
    -- within the scoped dataset
    FROM inpatient_charges
    INNER JOIN hospice_providers 
        ON hospice_providers.provider_id = inpatient_charges.provider_id


Run a query within a Redivis notebook

# In a notebook, all queries are scoped to the current workflow.
# Additionally, the notebooks source table can simply be referenced as _source_
query <- redivis$query("SELECT * FROM _source_ LIMIT 10")

Last updated

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