
Variable.update(*, label=None, description=None, value_labels=None) → self

Update metadata attributes on a variable. Only updates an attribute if the value is not none; to unset an attribute, set it to an empty string.


label : str, default None If specified, will set the variable's label. Must be less than or equal to 256 characters. Pass an empty string to unset a variable's label.

description : str, default None If specified, will set the variable's description. Must be less than or equal to 5000 characters. Pass an empty string to unset a variable's description.

value_labels : list<{ "value": str, "label": str }> | None, default None If specified, will set the value labels on a variable. Passed as a list of dicts with keys "value" and "label". Pass an empty list to unset the variable's value labels.


self (a Variable)


table = redivis.organization("Demo").dataset("iris_species").table("iris")

variable = table.variable("sepalLengthCm")
variable.update(label="Sepal length in centimeters",
                description="A detailed description of how this variable was collected"
# Update value labels on another variable (this particular example is a bit contrived)
    {"value": "Iris-setosa", "label": "A detailed description about this value"},
    {"value": "Iris-versicolor", "label": "A detailed description about this other value"},

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