
class Table

Tables are the fundamental data-containing entity in Redivis. Various methods on this class allow you to read data from Redivis tables into R.



# Specify the table's container, either a dataset or workflow
dataset <- redivis$organization("Demo")$dataset("iris_species")

table <- dataset$table("Iris")
# 	Id	SepalLengthCm	SepalWidthCm	PetalLengthCm	PetalWidthCm	Species
# 0	33	5.2	        4.1	        1.5	        0.1	        Iris-setosa
# ...

# Other methods to read data:
# table$to_arrow_batch_reader()
# table$to_arrow_dataset()
# table$to_arrow_dataset()
# table$to_data_frame()
# table$to_data_table()
# table$to_sf_tibble()





Reading data and metadata

Export a table in a particular format and download it to disk.

Download all files represented in a file index table to a local directory.

Check whether the table exists

Fetch table metadata. Once called, the properties field on the table will be fully populated.

Uploading and modifying data

Create a table within a dataset if it doesn't already exist. Table must belong to an unreleased version of the dataset.

Delete a table belonging to an unreleased version of a dataset.

Update properties on the table (name, description).

Last updated

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