
Member.update(*, labels=None, status=None) → self

Fetches the member, after which will contain a dict with entries corresponding to the properties on the member resource definition. Will raise an error if the member does not exist.


labels : str[], default None A list of labels to assign to the member. Note that this will overwrite any existing labels; if you want to add labels, make sure to include any current labels on the member. Labels can only use alphanumeric characters and underscores, and may be include up to one colon to create a multipart label (e.g., school:humanities).

status : str {"approved" | "rejected" }, default None Approve or reject a member. Note that this may have immediate effect on their ability to access your organization's datasets, depending on the dataset access rules.


self (a Member)


my_org = redivis.organization("some_organization")
members = my_org.list_members(...)

for member in members:
   # E.g., call an internal API to validate that member
   status = validate_member_against_internal_systems(member)

Last updated