

This endpoint can be used for creating a collection of temporary upload endpoints, allowing for the performant and robust transfer of files to Redivis. Larger uploads can specify the resumable option, which allows for upload progress recovery in the case of intermittent network failures.

These temporary uploads can then be used both by either to upload a tabular file to a table, or to add non-tabular files to a file index table.

Data uploads can be quite complex. It is highly recommended to use one of the client libraries to upload your files (and handle resumable uploads for you), rather than calling this endpoint directly.

HTTP Request

POST /api/v1/tables/:tableReference/tempUploads

Path parameters



A qualified reference to the table. See referencing resources for more information.

Request body




Required. An array of objects, where each object corresponds to a single temp upload.



Required. The size of the upload, in bytes.



Required. The name of the upload, unique to the current table.



Optional, default false. If specified, the created temp upload will be a resumable upload(see below). Resumable uploads have some minor overhead, and are generally only recommended for larger files (> 100MB)

This endpoint extends the general API structure.


Edit access to the table's dataset is required. Your access token must have one of the following scopes:

  • data.edit

Learn more about authorization.

The request body must be empty.

Response body

Returns an object whose results attribute is a list of temp uploads. The order of results will always correspond to the order of the tempUploads array in the request body.

    "kind": "tempUploadList",
    "results": [
            "kind": "tempUpload",
            "id": string,
            "url": string,
            "name": string,
            "size": string,
            "resumable": bool

Performing non-resumable uploads

PUT <tempUpload.url>

To perform a temp upload where resumable=false, simply PUT the upload contents to the URL returned on the tempUpload.

Performing resumable uploads

First, initiate the resumable upload by submitting a POST request with an empty body to the tempUpload.url. This post request must specify two-headers:

  • x-upload-content-length: The size, in bytes, of the upload

  • x-goog-resumable: "start"

If successful, the response from this initial request will include a Location header, which specifies the URL for all subsequent requests.

Next, perform the resumable upload. The general process for performing a resumable upload is to send the file in a series of chunks, via PUT requests to the url returned when creating the resumable upload. For each request, specify the Content-Range header to inform which chunk is currently being uploaded, and provide the content of the chunk in the request body.

If an error occurs when uploading a chunk, you can retry the upload as specified below.

Resumable uploads expire after 24 hours.

Request headers



Set to show which bytes in the file you are uploading.

For example, Content-Range: bytes 0-524287/2000000 shows that you are uploading the first 524,288 bytes (256 x 1024 x 2) in a 2,000,000 byte file.

If the total file size isn't known beforehand (for example, during streaming uploads that might perform processing on the stream), you can specify an unknown total size as: Content-Range: bytes 0-524287/*

If you are resuming an interrupted upload and want to know its progress, set the left part of the range to a * to signal that it is unknown. E.g., Content-Range: bytes */2000000

Request body

You should provide the current chunk content in the request body.

Response body

Upon successfully transferring a chunk, the response body will be empty with a status of 200.

Resuming an interrupted upload

If an upload request is terminated before receiving a response, or if you receive a 503 or 500 Service Unavailable response, then you need to resume the interrupted upload. To resume an interrupted upload:

  1. To request the upload status, create an empty PUT request to the resumable session URI.

  2. Add a Content-Range header indicating that the current position in the file is unknown. For example, set the Content-Range to */2000000 if your total file length is 2,000,000 bytes. If you don't know the full size of the file, set the Content-Range to */*.

  3. Send the request.

  4. Process the response.

    A 200 OK or 201 Created response indicates that the upload was completed, and no further action is necessary. A 308 Resume Incomplete response indicates that you need to continue uploading the file.

  5. If you received a 308 Resume Incomplete response, process the response's Range header, which specifies which bytes Cloud Storage has received so far. You will use this number in the next step. The response does not have a Range header if Cloud Storage has not yet received any bytes. For example, a Range header of bytes=0-42 indicates that the first 43 bytes of the file have been received.

  6. Now that you know where to resume the upload, continue uploading the file, either by sending the remaining data or by sending the next chunk. Include a Content-Range header indicating which portion of the file you are sending. For example, Content-Range: bytes 43-1999999/2000000 indicates that you are sending bytes 43 through 1,999,999.

Last updated

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